Sunday, 28 October 2007

In Limbo

Back from holiday, but not back at work yet. This period exists for about one day a year only and I am reaching the end of it. What's more, I haven't finished organising the write-up of the holiday and the pictures that we took. Something like 1800 miles on the road, some more on foot, about 800 photos, and a short daily write up that would have been suitable for here - except that we were so cut off from civilisation in Wales that we did not even have a telephone OR even mobile phone coverage on O2, Vodafone or Orange!!!!

Limbo finishes tomorrow when I go back to work. Nice [work] while you can get it!

Thursday, 11 October 2007


Well, here goes. Eight months of stydying, four assignments carried out with good marks and now it is down to a three hour exam to determine my fate. If I fail the exam, I fail the course. If I do well in the exam, I do well in the course. So there it is. Eight months study and at the end it just comes down to how much I can cram into my head and regugitate again in a sensible fashion in three hours.

Still, IU can't wait until it's over!