Monday 5 April 2010

Sad Saturday

Following such a good beginning to the long Easter weekend and celebrations, a firm dampner was put on the whole weekend when one of my choir suddenly passed away. Tony was singing with the choir for the first time, although he had been a friend for a number of years. Larger than life, very generous and always a shade from the edge of risquee, Tony had his own strong personality and we shall all miss him a great deal.

Rest In Peace, Tony.

Saturday 3 April 2010

Good Friday

Every year on Good Friday I take a number of singers to St John Timberhill, Norwich to sing the Passion and Veneration of the Cross. The choir comes together about four or five times a year to sing for services, usually at St Giles-on-the-Hill, Norwich and have become known as the St Giles Singers. This year I was lucky to have four singers (out of the fourteen this year) who had not sung in this service before. I'm not putting all the credit to them, but this year's service was the best we have sung over the six or so years that I have been associated with it (first as singer, then as conductor). It was, indeed, a Good Friday.