Wednesday 9 April 2008

Long day - new job

Yesterday I had a long day.

Up at 04:30, leaving home at 05:15 in order to go to York, where I was offered a new job.

I must comment that I had not applied for a new job, but a new opportunity arose in my team because some additional responsibilities had been brought into the team - needing a manager.

So from Monday I will no longer be a Release Manager, but a Test Environment Support Manager. Nether of these terms will mean much to anybody outside of the IT world, so when asked "what do you do?" I'm still simply an IT Manager. This still means that I manage people and not IT, but the people do different things with the IT.

Oh, and ssssshhhhhh - nobody is supposed to know until Monday, when my new team are told that they have a new manager !

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